All your practice needs in one platform
One platform, one price, and all the legal news, analysis, tools, and resources you need to stay ahead of issues impacting federal and state legal practice.

Stay ahead of the curve
Don’t miss a crucial update of federal, state, or local law. Rely on unmetered, unlimited alerts for instant notice of developments important to you.

Win back valuable time
Navigating multiple platforms wastes so much time. Get hours back in your day with a single platform that speeds up your tasks.

Avoid unplanned costs
Expenses never end with plans that are pieced together – limiting your research options and affecting productivity. With us, you get everything you want for one predictable price.
Industry-leading coverage for federal and state government practice
Bloomberg Law serves as your single sign-on government legal software to save time and money, increase productivity and efficiency, and stay up to date on the latest state and federal law developments.

Your research, reorganized
We expedite your access to the topical coverage and content you need. Our 14 curated Practice Centers organize primary and secondary sources, dockets, news, and practice tools to enhance your efficiency and productivity.

Next level primary sources
Comprehensive federal and state primary sources with Smart Code, a virtual annotated code with strength-of-discussion indicator for codes, rules, and regulations.

Authorities to rely on
Get unlimited access to nearly 600 titles from leading publishers such as Bloomberg, ABA, ALI, ABI, and James – in addition to the Bloomberg Tax Portfolios and Bloomberg Law Manuals.

News you need when you want it
With unlimited alerts, you’ll define the news you need from an ocean of resources including 40+ Bloomberg Law news channels, 75,000 sources on the Bloomberg Terminal, and ALM Media News brands.

Unmatched service and support
You’ll have 24/7 J.D.-staffed customer service and support. Plus, a library filled with videos and how-tos, should you ever need them.

Find that one-in-a-million filing
Our proprietary Docket Key search functionality helps you find the exemplar form you need among the millions of dockets in our database. Find the precise brief, motion, or complaint you’re looking for in seconds – 20 filing types in all.
Explore the Bloomberg Law platform
Bloomberg Law provides a full suite of tools to help you find the information you need fast, so you can execute a winning legal strategy.
What customers say
“One of my faculty members specializes in legal ethics and professional responsibility and uses the ABA/Bloomberg Law Lawyers’ Manual on Professional Conduct constantly. I train all of her students on the product every year and it is the go-to resource in this area of the law. It’s fantastic!”
Kate Cochrane
Senior Legal Information Librarian
Boston University School of Law
“Bloomberg Law’s extensive coverage of state and federal court dockets continues to be one of its best features. I can feel confident when I’m asked to perform a ‘nationwide litigation search’ that I’m searching one of the most comprehensive docket and complaint collections in the industry.”
Research Manager
Am Law 100 Firm
“For my areas of practice, Bloomberg Law’s Practice Centers and treatise library provide highly relevant, curated content that helps me find answers to my questions quickly.”
Managing Partner
Small Law
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