Bloomberg Law Platform

Draft Analyzer


Easily compare documents

Benchmark against market-standard language in more than 2.3 million documents.

Draft better and faster

Tailor clause details with advanced filters and expert guidance.

Work securely

Ensure information security with document encryption.

Pinpoint market-standard language

Upload your document and our semantic analysis engine will compare it with more than 2.3 million EDGAR documents to identify text with similar meaning. You’ll get detailed, relevant comparisons at the paragraph level, and market standards at the clause level.

Access expert drafting guidance

Built-in Practical Guidance highlights important considerations for particular clauses such as buyer and seller perspectives. Advanced filtering helps you understand how provisions vary across market segments and tailor them to closely match the specifics of your transaction.

Find highly negotiated provisions

Using key indicators, Draft Analyzer helps predict which provisions are likely to be negotiated, providing a strategic advantage in preparing for client and counterparty discussions.

Draft stronger agreements

Immediately evaluate clause favorability with Draft Analyzer’s Clause Adviser feature. Then, easily modify clause language in favor of one party with a user-friendly slider tool.

Streamline navigation

Draft Analyzer creates an interactive clause outline to speed up document navigation and embeds links to defined terms within the analyzed contract text.

Expedite review

Instead of manually reviewing precedent documents one by one, compare draft language to tens of thousands of publicly filed M&A agreements.

“Draft Analyzer has been a very helpful tool in my practice. It allows me to upload a draft received from the counterparty and check whether specific provisions have been previously used in publicly filed documents, as well as details regarding the party and law firm that have used such provisions. This is helpful when negotiating with a counterparty or opposing counsel that takes a particular position on an issue.”

Am Law 100 Firm

“The [Transactional Precedent Search and Draft Analyzer] tools help me leverage high-end transactional drafting language without the cost of outside counsel, and give me comfort that our agreements have market-level protections.”

Head of Legal and Compliance
Manufacturing Company

“Draft Analyzer has been very helpful in reviewing and negotiating provisions in transaction documents. Recently, I used the tool to analyze representations and warranties in a purchase and sale agreement. The tool helped us see the counterparty’s comments and was useful in marking up the provision.”

Am Law 100 Firm