Enterprise Dockets API Solution
Dockets integration powers your practice
Bloomberg Law’s market-leading coverage of over 200 million federal and state court dockets helps you easily find cases and filings – all packaged in an enterprise delivery option that includes exclusive features.

Get unlimited search and alerts
Access leading dockets information, search, and alerts – plus other API-exclusive functions.

Gain market intelligence
Get analytics by company, firm, court, and judge – plus API-exclusive custom analytics and dashboards.

Find business opportunities
Set alerts for a short list of clients, single court, or case type – plus, more alert capacity and custom scripts with an API solution.
Streamline your docket research
Bloomberg Law’s enterprise dockets integration gives you direct access to our market-leading dockets intel with exclusive functions and features you can customize for your organization.
Alerts integration
- Enterprise dockets search function provides docket alerts in a JSON format delivered to a secure FTP site at regular intervals
- Set up alerts on Bloomberg Law with your own parameters and select delivery “by feed”
- Use your own internal applications to process the files
Search integration
- Docket Search API is a RESTful API which allows programmatic searching across various fields in our dockets and returns results in JSON format
- Use your own app or script to query the API and get results returned with specific data fields

Pick the dockets solution that’s right for you
Whether you choose our standard web-based product or an integrated solution, Bloomberg Law’s advanced docket search is both a search tool and a resource for aggregating data across multiple courts. Use the following table to find the best fit.
Request a demo
Bloomberg Law is the all-in-one legal platform that’s remarkably simple to use and gives you everything you need to win.
Complete the form and a representative will contact you to schedule a demo. The demo will provide an overview of our latest features and an inside look into our platform.
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