In-House Counsel Customer ROI Survey

Bloomberg Law surveyed in-house counsel customers to examine the potential return on investment (ROI) legal departments may realize by utilizing Bloomberg Law’s research tools, resources, and content.

This Executive Summary of our In-House Counsel Customer ROI Survey provides an overview of the key findings from 43 Bloomberg Law customers. Respondents included in-house counsel leadership and legal operations professionals from organizations like Clorox, Intel, Kia Motors, CVS Health, and Duracell to name a few. The results show that investing in Bloomberg Law delivers significant cost savings as well as efficiency and productivity gains.

Download a free copy of the Executive Summary to see how Bloomberg Law can help your legal department:

  • Reduce annual outside counsel spend
  • Bring more work in-house without compromising quality
  • Maximize workflow efficiencies
  • Boost attorney productivity
  • Spend more time on high-value work
Charts detailing outside counsel spend

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