On Demand
2023 In-House Forum
September 20, 2023 | 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Unlocking the power of data: Aiming for privacy and cyber stewardship
As the use of big data, machine learning, and generative artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more widespread, corporate leadership is becoming increasingly aware of the legal risks associated with collecting, using, and storing data. With the two biggest threats coming from cyber risk and the ever-growing landscape of data privacy laws.
The 2023 In-House Forum tackled two trends racing towards a head-on collision. On one hand, companies need an increasing amount of data and analytical tools to remain competitive. On the other, the need for privacy frameworks and the drive to reduce data usage to decrease cyber risk and privacy litigation are growing.
Topics include:
- Getting the most out of your data with full transparency and compliance
- Managing privacy and cyber risk in vendor contracts
- Crafting policies compliant with global and domestic privacy laws
- Opt-in versus opt-out privacy policies
- Safeguarding existing data from future privacy laws
- Preparing leadership, employees, and vendors to respond to a data breach
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