Bloomberg Login

Dashboard Legal is now part of the Bloomberg Law family!  Below are the details for logging in with your Bloomberg account.

Creating a new Password

Due to the switchover to Bloomberg Law for authentication, users that maintain a username and password on Dashboard Legal will be sent an email with information on creating your new password.

Note that this doesn’t apply to users that use SSO.  If the password reset email is missed, users can always access the reset password page here.

Logging in

The Dashboard Legal login page will now have a button that will take you to the new Bloomberg Law login page (See Below)

You will be redirected to the Bloomberg Law login Page (See Below).

This login page allows you to access your Dashboard Legal account either by entering your username  and password, or if you use SSO, you can enter just your username to be redirected to your SSO provider.

User Account Management

Organization admins can read this guide on inviting and managing users.