Court Dockets Search
It shouldn’t be hard to find the dockets you need.
Bloomberg Law delivers the most comprehensive docket database to help you get the competitive intelligence you want — all from one platform.

All case data in one place
 Searching multiple sources for court dockets costs you valuable time. We deliver the most up-to-date and complete docket database with outstanding search functionality.

One predictable price
Running into paywalls when you find the case information you need is the worst. Not here; get one predictable price and never worry about limits or surprise costs.

Ever-expanding database
Our docket platform is the most complete solution on the market including complete federal courts coverage and extensive state court coverage that expands daily.
Product features

Get complete federal and expansive state coverage
Your unlimited access to Bloomberg Law gives you the most extensive docket database in a single platform, including complete federal coverage and more than 1,000 state courts with additional courts added each month.

Dive deeper into cases
With rich filtering options, you can be more detailed in your research to locate exactly what you need. Recent enhancements like docket resolutions and damages slider extract additional insights from our database, while Docket Pathâ„ provides predictive insights into the likely outcomes of specific cases.

Easily integrate with other tools
Integrate dockets with powerful AI tools such as Litigation Analytics to unlock more competitive intelligence on courts, judges, companies, attorneys, and law firms. Plus, you can connect our dockets solution with your other internal applications to bring more efficiency to your research process.
What life is like with Bloomberg Law Dockets
“I really enjoy the docket alerts. I set alerts for all group companies as well as competitors and those in similar industries. This allows me to get a jump on planning a defense before we are even served and allows me to track trends in litigation across our industry.”
Corporate Counsel
“Bloomberg Law’s docket search capabilities are unmatched by any of its competing databases. The fact that it has such wide state court coverage, and its various and specific search fields make Bloomberg my first stop when searching for cases. I also appreciate the automatic updates for dockets in certain courts, such as the Delaware Chancery Court.”
Fox Rothschild
“The dockets search function has saved me hours within a day of researching. Previously I would have to scour through PACER dockets (after finding relevant language within a court opinion or case pleading available on a competing product), and had no ability to search across dockets. This has been a life saver in my practice, and there is no other product out there that even compares.”
Senior Associate
Large Law
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